Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand".

It is definitely time to change, it is easy to remember all these times that i was studying and thinking "what a waste of time" or "when am i going to use this"...If students feel they can apply to their lives what they are studying, motivation to learn will likely increase!
PBL is a dynamic approach of teaching where students explore real world experiences while developing skills by cooperating with other students and the teacher. In this new way of teaching, students are evaluated on the basis of their projects rather than exams. Students are involved in projects and exposed to technology such as computers, GPS, video cameras....

"Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand" The more I read about "new ways of teaching" the more certain I am about the direction to take in the classroom. Infants begin to make sense of the world by inquiring. They use their senses: seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling to gather information. As students get older, they inquire less what results in less knowledge gathered. After all, it is the nature of humans to inquire, and it is easy to understand that effective inquiry is a great way to learn and to convert data and information into useful knowledge that can be applied to real-world issues outside the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, I completely agree. I think traditional education practices are just not working. They had their time and place, but we're living in a new, technologically advanced, time. It is becoming more and more important for students to be able to THINK on their own and solve problems. Learning how to answer correctly on a state standardized test does not prove that they actually have learned anything. Anyone can memorize, but to actually know is a completely different matter.
